woman sitting at computer in jeans pants gey jacket and red blouse with arms open making an expression

Ever notice how sometimes we blame people for our drawbacks? We do not take stock of our actions.
We blame others for ill health or financial status. our Parents, spouses, bosses, governments, etc.
Do you understand how crippling these thoughts are?

Your thoughts control your actions. Negative thoughts bring negative actions.

However, Life is two-fold, things you can influence, and some impose on you.

What If You Decide?

You can decide the direction you want to go.
You have to decide how to change your poor health even if your parents were the cause.

You decide your financial status. How about becoming a great partner?

How about having a say in the affairs of your government?
Why not go and add value to your job?

Did you know that you are not paid for time but for the value you bring to the table?

Wake up no one will do it for you. Life is to live at its fullest.

Go out live the way it should be.
You Decide.

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