Creating a Pinterest account is an excellent idea for personal and professional use. The platform has over 544 million active users, and it can offer an exceptional way for you to generate an audience and generate new leads. However, it’s a good idea to understand Pinterest analytics, what are impressions on Pinterest, and how you can make the most out of all this information. Pinterest business review teaches you how to understand the role of analytics on their platform

Understanding the role of impressions on Pinterest

Since Pinterest relies on the use of pins, impressions are directly connected to those. Impressions signify the number of pins that appear in the search results seen on the screen or shown in the Pinterest feed. The more impressions you have on Pinterest, the more successful your pin is.

If you’re wondering where you can find the number of impressions, typically, that’s shown in the Analytics tab (if you have a Pinterest Business account). From here, you need to go to Overview/Impressions. The Pinterest impressions are shown in Top Pins and Top Boards sections within your dashboard.

showing pinterest impressions and analytics

What metrics should you check aside from impressions on Pinterest?

Pinterest impressions matter because they show how popular your pin was, but you also want to see the number of clicks people make on your pin. In addition, Pinterest engagement matters because it covers outbound and pin clicks, card swipes, saves, and others. We also recommend browsing other things like the total engaged audience, monthly total audience, and the number of monthly views.

shown number of pin impressions saves and outbound clicks

The Pinterest impressions are shown in Top Pins and Top Boards sections within your dashboard.

top pins and analytics overview with pin clicks, impressions, saves and outbound clicks

How can you gain more impressions on Pinterest?

  • Your focus should always be on creating the best content for your audience. Research your niche and understand pain points, things people need assistance with. Then you create Pinterest content that covers the audience’s pain points with great detail.
  • Do keyword research and include relevant keywords within your Pin description. That will make your content easier to discover in Pinterest search, which leads to more impressions. You can also find ideas from the Today and Trends pages.
  • It’s also a good idea to optimize your profile and pins for SEO. That means optimizing your boards and Pinterest profile with keywords. Writing clear titles for pins and boards will also help. And remember to optimize your pin’s image size to ensure it’s high quality and easy to see. Also, use alt text and tags for images since it can give you a significant SEO advantage.
  • Research competitors and come up with novel ideas that no one covers. If you do that, you’ll draw in a lot of people to your content.
  • Don’t hesitate to create seasonal content since it does very well on Pinterest. If you’re unsure what trends are popular right now, visit the Analytics menu, and from there, go to Trends. That’s where you will have a precise list of popular trends.
  • Add a Pinterest save-it button to your website. If people visit your website and click on that “Save It” button, they get to visit your Pinterest page and follow you there as well. Driving your audience from social media websites to these platforms will also come in handy, so use that to your advantage.
  • Consistency is key on Pinterest since the more content you make, the more impressions you will receive. Having fresh, weekly, or even daily content can give you the upper hand and surpass competitors. It also establishes a sense of trust between you and your audience, something that can lead to sales in the long run.
  • Use tags; these will help you draw more attention from people browsing Pinterest. Having tags never hurts since they can bring the extra exposure you’re looking for.
  • Post infographics, people like them, and some Pinterest users use the platform to find such content. That means it’s a great idea to create and post infographics since they can open you up to an entirely new audience.
  • Experiment with different types of pins to see which ones are the most popular.
  • Use the free shopping tools on Pinterest; they can give you a new way to present your content while making it more appealing/engaging.


In conclusion, harnessing the power of Pinterest impressions is a strategic approach that can elevate personal and professional endeavors. With a user base exceeding 544 million, Pinterest offers a fertile ground to cultivate audiences and generate valuable leads. Impressions, as a pivotal metric, underscore the visibility and success of your pins, directly impacting your reach.

Beyond impressions, essential metrics encompass clicks, engagement, and audience analytics. Delving into these dimensions, a holistic understanding of your content’s performance and resonance emerges. Elevating your Pinterest strategy involves a multi-pronged approach:

Keyword optimization and meticulous pin descriptions amplify discoverability, channeling traffic from searches into impressions. Integrating SEO principles across profiles, boards, and pins, coupled with compelling imagery, further enhances your presence.

Innovative content, derived from in-depth research and a creative edge, distinguishes you from competitors. Embracing trends, seasonal content and leveraging Pinterest’s tools, such as the Save It button, fosters cross-platform engagement and connectivity.

Consistency, epitomized through a steady stream of diverse content, nurtures a loyal audience and lays the foundation for enduring rapport. Tags and infographics act as catalysts for heightened visibility and new audiences, while embracing varied pin formats provides valuable insights into user preferences.

In this dynamic realm, experimentation is to evolve your approach based on pin type popularity, and using Pinterest’s shopping tools adds dynamism and appeal.

The journey to optimizing Pinterest impressions encapsulates a blend of strategic precision, creativity, and adaptability. By seamlessly integrating these elements, you can amplify your Pinterest presence forge meaningful connections, elevate engagement, and pave the way for sustainable success.

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